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Avasthi & Maheshwari Public Administration (लोक प्रशासन) UPSC Book in Hindi

Hi, all students in this post we are brought for you all latest Lok Prashasan book by Avasthi & Maheshwari PDF Free Download in Hindi this is another best Textbook For Civil Services/State’s PCS (Mains) Examinations, UGC-NET,PGT Examinations and for PG and UG Classes for various universities.

Meaning, Scope, and Significance
Public administration is an aspect of a more generic concept of administration. Therefore, before understanding the meaning of public administration, it is necessary to understand the meaning of the word ‘administration’ The English word ‘administer’ is derived from a combination of two Latin words ad and ministrare meaning ‘to serve’ or ‘to managimfiterally, the term “administration’ means management of affairs- public or private.

An analysis of the above definitions indicates that the term public administration has been used in two senses i.e., wider sense and narrower sense. In the wider sense (broader sense), public administration includes the activities of all the three branches of the government, that is, legislature, executive and judiciary.

This view has been taken by Woodrow Wilson, L.D. White, Marshall Dimock, F.A. Nigro and Pfiffner. By contrast, public administration in the narrower sense includes the activities of only the executive branch of the government.

This view has been taken by Simon, Gulick, Ordway Tead, Fayol and Willoughby. It must be noted here that Willoughby even made a distinction between executive power and administrative power and restricted the use of the term ‘administration’ to the activities of the administrative branch only.

In other words, he has given administration the status of a * fourth branch’ of government (other three being legislature, executive and judiciary). Albert Lepawsky remarked : “Willoughby’s recognition of administration as a fourth branch of government is the most extreme, but probably the most logical result of the strict separation of administration and politics initiated by Wilson.”

This is so far the most holistic coverage of Pub Ad esp. for NET aspirants. It covers all the theoretical approaches along with a sizeable portion of public policy. Its language is really simple and to the point. Its a sufficient text for PG students as well. I think it would be better if you begin with this one & subsequently move on to R K Sapru etc.

LanguageHindi / English
AuthorAvasthi & Maheshwari
PublisherLakshmi Narain Agarwal

Description: the new Hindi version of Public Administration by Avasthi & Maheshwari to the readers. This book has become an authentic scripture of its subject, it has made our responsibility even more serious. The new version has been completely revised and contains several new chapters.

The book also describes the latest events and activities. The language of the book has been read again and a complete effort has been made to make it simple and comprehensible.

I hope you have got latest book free download in Hindi if you like this post please share with others students.

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